Friday, March 24, 2006

NCR Annual Dinner + 4D + POP3

so .. the weekend passed... i attended the Annual NCR Dinner.. and it was great ..For the first time i attended a company's program in which people joked on the senior management people of the company.... on the stage.. in their presence.. and nobody seemed to mind a single thing... it was a new experience for me... people doing skits as if they were in unviersity or college functions..i too had a little role in a video skit that was shown by my office people..

Then i had this workshop on 4D..and for the first time i had a free workshop .. because i introduced a new person , krakhead , who seems to already have the natural abilities that i am trying to learn.. This time there were a lot of people in the workshop thanks to Prof. Moiz's (the guru, the teacher) appearance on TV... In the end of workshop, there is usually a remote sensing session (aka telepathy).. i , being a 4D-graduate , took two new going-to-be-4D-graduates..made them do the whole process .. and they too had 100% accurate sensing... I had asked them to sense my grandmother and tell me about her illnesses.. they were able to give me the correct answer..though none of them has ever seen my grandmother.... But i know that my close friends will never believe me if i tell them these things... My spiritual journey using mind sciences has been an alone one for a long time.. but now i am making friends who believe in such things.... It matters a lot to have such people around...

Something good has happened to me too..A clairovoyant that i made friend in the 4D-intro told me something that made me understand the reason i was not having major successes in the spiritual world.. and because of that ..a new change has happened to me.....a BIG , NEW, GOOD change....I wish i could go into the details..

The biggest News: I finally installed prince of persia 3.. The game is great..but ..i dont know why.. i am not addicted to it yet... The game has got good creative things...a new speed kill system...and i really liked the conversation that goes on between the prince and the dark prince.. And..oh!!.. The Farah from the first part is back too.. Just wait a few days and i will be writing about nothing but the game..

Food News:
One of the colleague at office found an earthworm in food served in our building's cafeteria...He mailed to the whole NCR about people do not go to cafeteria anymore.. but ... do i care?? :)

Ok me goes.. Jazz will be waiting for me. He got Job in Engro as a project Engineer ..(good pay i tell you).. he is enjoying some time in isloo before he joins the place on monday and i dont want to miss spending time with him..


Anonymous said...

sameer, with all the 4d going on .. how has it helped you in a big way!? btw, me, saqib, mubeen, amir and kahif play brood online ... that is MUCH better than any 4D workshop and yes, it does not cost tohousands of rupees too

Anonymous said...

Interesting stuff man! Just got hold of your blog through Umair's aka Bodi's Space. Didn't think this stuff actually worked, sounds cool nevertheless.