Monday, January 22, 2007

Sameer gets THE answers

The scripts of my life took me to Jean and Don Daughtery.. An excellent spiritual couple whose life is all full of unbelievable things.. I met these guys at the Psychic Festival . They gave a live demonstration of Consultation in Trance . The way it is does and what it does is that Don (the husband) goes into deep trance and the Jean (wife) asks him the questions which are then answered by Don.. while he is in the deep trance state...

I was lucky to get a free reading ticket from Jean and Don .. I was even luckier to get some help from a guy Harry. Harry happens to be an iridologist (Iridology or iridodiagnosis is an alternative medicine practice in which patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris are examined for information about a patient's health ). I got a chance to get my eye examined by him and he told me some health problems that will arise soon if i dont take any necessary precautions.

Anyways, Me and Harry went to see the Daughtery couple at their place.. It was some 40 minutes drive.. and i was really scared by the traffic Jam..

It was a good talk that we had there.. I felt my self all inside a pool of knowledge.. They have a Greeeeeat weatlh of knowledge about things and the good point is that all their concepts are original i.e They have not been derived by any other person's , cult's or religion's teachings but by their own life experiences and their personal abilities which have taught them a lot . Jean has been seeing spirits since her childhood and the guy has been too much regular in medidation, Out of body Experinces and Near Death Experiences..

I had prepared a list of questions with the help of Harry , most of which related to me , my sister and mother... i only had some 55 minutes to ask the questions..cause Don cant stay in his state more than that.

I got satisfied answers to all the question that i had . i asked all the important things that were bothering me ..Especially my biggest problem.. something that has been bothering me for quite some long years. something that had completely changed my view of life, religion , society and everything that relates me for i dont remember how long......there is something that was there and i just could not accept it ..the only way out was to accept it completely and bear the resulting difficult life... but a part of me was not willing to accept it..and i was under some internal conflict that was affecting my i posed this qusetion to Don.... and the answer that i got filled with me with was completely according to my expectations....It was so strange an answer that Harry even shouted and requested Don to answer that question again.. And I was all full of Joy , amazement , happiness.. I just wish i could write things clearly... I tend to tell everything about me.. but there are things that i just cant tell , not because i am shy but because of the complexity in understanding for you ,my dear reader!! ..the summary is that once again my view on life has changed and its good now.....i just want to share this new joy and happiness with you.. Just feel happy for me..

Haaaaah!!! i finally solved one big issue of life..Now i just wait to get new tensions and problems... Lol...

And i am about to go back to Pakistan.. Now that my purpose to come to USA has been fulfilled, i guess its time for me to leave the place.. .I was thinking of going to the couple again to ask few more things.. to know about my past lives, to know about the unfinished business that i carry from the past lives... but i guess the script doesnt want me to have more knowledge. May be its not needed..

Hmmm!!!.....Its a good script.. I am enjoying it...


Umair Azfar Khan said...

seems like we need to have a long chat about this

Sameer Durrani said...

ERR. Havent we already had one..

(sometimes i thank God for having a different timezone that yours.. lol)..

ok.. we will.. but only in the free time..

but doesnt the rule .. "I am happy and i must remain happy" apply here.. :)

but well.. yeah.. ok.. i must prepare myself to recieve a good lecture from you..

Dawgg said...

man, get outa that land asap. You are deviating from our Islamic beliefs!! I want that darhi wala, taleemi Sameer back!

Sameer Durrani said...

You want Darhi wala Sameer.!!!

Oh God , when will the world accept me the way i am.. :) someone one wants me slimmer, someone wants me to be smarter..

and all of a sudden there is a request of beard..

hey..i dont come with too many flavours.. :)

Krak Head said...

this past life thingy seems a bit hard to digest...:S

Dawgg said...

Dude,i liked you the way you are. Mota, chota, kala,peela doesn't matter. Physical outlook it bullshit, the eternal man counts more and from inside u are a good, afable man. I love u (not in any gay sense)

P.S: Had to explain in paranthesis because been a GIKI graduate we're oftenly accused as gays.

Sameer Durrani said...

waqas!!though its too late now, but anyways, thanks for the confession.. :)

Krakhead.. well.. i had some difficulty in digesting this idea too when i first heard it in Prof Moiz hypnosis class...where he told us that its very common for people to talk about their other lifetimes during their hypnotic sessions when they are asked to mentally go back in time.. The phenomenon is very well know and is called Past Life Regression..

Personally, when i analyze it , i think of one key idea.. There is a difference in 'actually having a past life' and 'thinking that you had a past life'.. It will be hard to explain though ..its just that Mind is a complex thing and it can be fooled very easily..

but anyways, i keep myself open to new ideas. i try not to discard them the moment i hear them...and well , when i hear things , i speak them too.. :)

Umair Azfar Khan said...

about the past life thing, there is a theory that even memories are passed on genetically, also some mumbo jumbo about junk dna. anyway, where is your beard now sameer?

Sameer Durrani said...

yeah..i have read about that DNA memory too.. but you know, a psychological disorder can make people think that they are someone else.. on the same line, there can be a disorder, that may make people think they had a past life..

...its just that you can explain one thing through so many ways..

about beard: yaar, i have joined the secret