Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Four days of Party

Last week was full of parties.... All related to my office life..

Thursday 31 Agust

First there was a gathering on the expense of our Program Managers.. At Planet X.. but we didnt watch any movie there... :(..it was just food..

Friday 1st Sept

Then there was a Reward Acheievement Celeberation the very next day... A new tradition has started here to celebrate the acheivements of people every month..

Saturday 2nd Sept

It was Fauzan's Waleema on Saturday..He is a part of my ETL team.. He was lucky to get his days off right at the climax time of the project....... I reached on his Walima at a time when most of the people had already left.. Thanks to my princess.. the tyre punctured on way..I hate changing tyres... Luckily the spare tyre was fine.. (Last time i had a tyre puncture and the spare tyre was found punctured too)... but unluckily i was unable to pull the tyre out.. It took me some 15 minutes just to pull the tyre out of its place from my car's trunk..the CNG kit installed there provides too little a space for the tyre to come out.. and i had to exert all my super power to pull it out..

but that was only one hard part.. the other was when i tried to unscrew the nuts of the punctured tyre.. I kept trying to unscrew them for some 15 minutes but they remained tight.. The poor me then asked a Taxi driver for help. The guy parked his car , took the tools from me and unscrewed the nuts with one blow and then it dawned on me that :

"I was applying pressure in the wrong direction ...I was screwing the nuts insteads of unscrewing them"

Khair.. this direction thing is a lesson that i have learnt for ever now..I am never going to forget it again..

The whole tyre changing process took nearly more than one and a half hour...When i reached the wedding hall (PC pindi), most of the people had left..the food time was over .. all i got was some kababs and baryani.... But whatever I am happy that I was atlast able to reach that place...

Sunday 3rd Sept:

Our Organizational hiearchy has changed and the x-program manager of my x-team is leaving for Turkey..so we , the old team, gave him a farewell dinner at Cinemon... It was my 3rd or 4th trip to Cinemmon and i have now kinda started disliking the place.. First of all there is some not-very-decent thing famous about that place which might be just a rumor .. Secondly , their menu is extreme complex .. I always have to think a lot before giving an order..and what the hell.. i always forget the name of the dish that i order at the time it arrives.. lols...:) .. and then i never like the taste of the thing that i order.. and yeah!! the price is always too much.. The place is veryy expensive...

This time i had prawns or shrimps or whatever in starter... I ate one piece and then i asked..
" Do we eat the legs of this thing?"

I got two answers..

1. No.. we dont eat it..
2. Its not a leg.. Its a tail....

i had chewed the leg/tail by the time I got the answer...and just to look decent , I was not willing to throw it out ..so i gulped it.. and then , all the time during the dinner i kept feeling this irritation in my throat... :(

so this was the story of the past few days.. I will be ending bleach (cartoon anime) soon.. will start my spiritual practcies after that hopefully... am completely out of practice for soooooo long...

Oh.. Tomorrow there is a birthday of a friend , another ETL developer of my team... and he has already promised Papa Sallys Pizaa on the occassion.. Wow!! i love celeberations.. :)