Monday, September 11, 2006

A weekend spent well

This weekend i got my room cleaned.. it was a four hour procedure.. in which i removed all the stuff from my room.. got it cleaned..then got the mat cleaned.. then placed things inside with a different setting.. Now i cant watch the TV when i am sitting on bed... A stupid configuration that i will change soon...

I had Rahat ka Pizaa on both the days of the weekend.. Rahat.. my old love .. is coming back to life.. :)..

and i had a fancy hair cut.. Razar hair cut...a cut in which the hairdresser uses a razor instead of a scissor to cut the hairs.. This give a Rough look (How? i dont know..the hairdresser told me so) .This new hairstyle requires shining gel to give a good look but i do not use gel, so the style is not looking as great as it should... so i do not look Rough .(whatever it means)..

The weekend was spent well.. i enjoyed it.. i also watched Xmen III.. [Spoilers ahead] didnt like it much.. There was no point in killing Xavier.. He didnt die a heroic death...and there was no point in killing Cyclops either..and there wasnt much contribution of the phoenix idea to the whole story plot.... The whole story was ok without her.. Khair.. the effects were good.. i was only happy for rogue for losing her powers... :)... She deserved it... :)

and there was a mouse in my bathroom's commode (WC) this morning.. an alive mouse ..or may be rat...or whatever... it was trying to come out but was slipping again and again.....i hope it wont be there when i will reach home..


Anonymous said...

a mouse is small in size, a rat is quite big.

FYI, never handle a mouse or a rat without proper cover. they spread many disease and rabis is one of them. you can try killing him with one of your chussis.

also, hare is a BIG rabbit and rabbit is well a rabbit .. just to clear the confusion.

Dangling Pointer said...

oh, let me avail the opportunity:

whats the difference b/w oax and bull?
